


Athletes competing at any championship level must be prepared to compete at the next highest level if successful, i.e. if you achieve a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in a final you will be expected to attend the next championship.

Zone Championships

This is an area competition to determine the best young athletes within the Zone. These carnivals are held over two days on a rotational basis at one of the centres in the New England Zone eg. Tamworth, Gunnedah, Inverell etc. Athletes are only permitted to compete in four (4) events at Zone level, with the first three (3) places in each final progressing to the Regional Championships. Athletes wishing to compete at Zone must fill out a nomination form and return it to the Committee’s Head Coach by the due date. These forms are available from the Clubhouse, as are ALA Centre numbers. Athletes competing at this level and above must wear the ALA Centre number (28) on their back. Under 7 athletes gaining a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd places in a final event at Zone receive medals, as this is their only representative level.

Regional Championships

This is an elimination championship to determine which athlete will progress to the State Championships. These carnivals are also held over two days but on a rotational basis at one of the centres in the region as with Zone. The first two (2) places in each final will progress. Under 8 athletes gaining a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in a final event at Region receive medals, as this is their only representative level.

State Championships

This is also held over two days but in Sydney at Homebush. The first three placing’s in each event receive State medals, and the Under 13 to Under 15 athletes have the opportunity of being chosen to represent NSW at an Interstate meeting.

Gala Days

These competitions afford the young athletes a chance to gain experience at competitive meetings. They are one-day events and are held throughout the season at various centres. Competitors pay $1 per event and can enter up to five events; any registered athlete is eligible to participate. Trophies or medals are usually awarded to the highest point scorer in each age/sex group for the day. Athletes competing at gala days must wear the ALA Centre number (28) on their back. Attendance at these weekend events along with Local Competition Days, gain the young athletes the experience needed to compete at the various championships, and although not compulsory these days may also double as great family picnic days.

Trans Tasman

Trials Open to all Under 11 and Under 12 athletes, these trials are held annually in either Australia or New Zealand. Competitors are able to enter up to five (5) events (2 track & 3 field and 3 track & 2 field) and a minimum of 4 events (2 track & 2 field) See the ALA Head Coach for further details.